We are almost at the end of another major city in Rotas Brasil, our efforts produce realistic images of our interior of São Paulo. You have to pay attention to see the details, which ends up creating an unforgettable simulation experience. These details are the beautiful landscapes of another expansion of Rotas Brasil.
Our work is always focused on quality and realism. You will soon have another incredible expansion of our map and pay attention to some details: After this expansion update, we will have another update with the Municipality of Caçapava including an incredible rural setting with many new features and challenges. And finally, to close the year 2021, we will have the expansion of another large city: Taubaté. Not to mention another beautiful Mercedes Benz 1620 truck and a Special End of Year Gift straight to your account on the Rotas Brasil website.
While you wait, check out some photos of this beautiful city that is coming to Rotas Brasil.