It is considered one of the best maintained highways in the country, ranking first in the ranking prepared through road research carried out by the National Transport Confederation (CNT).
It connects São Paulo to several important municipalities for the state's economy. Among these municipalities, Rotas Brasil brought with extreme realism the main ones (within the logistics for the game), namely: Mirassol, São José do Rio Preto, Catanduva, Municipality of Taquaritinga, Araraquara, Municipality of Ibaté, São Carlos, Rio Claro and Cordeirópolis.
Its name is in honor of Washington Luís Pereira de Sousa (1869-1957), president of Brazil for the São Paulo Republican Party and famous for the phrase "governing is opening roads".
In the state of Rio de Janeiro, two sections of the BR-040 are of great importance in the history of Brazilian highways. The section between Petrópolis and Juiz de Fora was part of the Estrada União e Indústria, the first Brazilian highway, inaugurated on June 23, 1861 by Dom Pedro II. This section was replaced by the current Rio-Juiz de Fora in 1980. The Rio-Petrópolis section, known as the Washington Luiz Highway, was inaugurated on August 25, 1928, by the President of the Republic, Washington Luís, and became the first paved road in Brazil in 1931.
And because of all this logistics that makes a historical connection between Rod. Washington Luiz Rio/SP, we brought this whole concept to our Map connecting the main Highways: Washington Luiz, Via Anhanguera, Dom Pedro I, Via Dutra, Raphael Magalhães ending with Washington Luiz.