Beta EA v.3 Disponível. Bora pras Novidades?

Beta EA v.3 Available. Bora pras What's New?

For this Beta version of our Map Exploring America we will start by introducing our new Logo. This new brand follows the evolution of our editions and we also continue with the same visual pattern as our Routas Brasil map.

The vowels "A, E, I, O, U" are the agreement on a set of grammatical rules that determine the harmony between the different parts of a name.
EXPLORING (is a situation) A (concordant vowel) AMERICA (Country, region). Words in agreement with a phrase that may or may not become a proper name are not abbreviated. EXPLORING AMERICA = EA, As for example: RIO DE JANEIRO = RJ. United Nations = UN.
That is, EA is a SIGLA and acronym is a word that is formed by the gathering of the initial letters of the words that make up a name.
EA = Exploring America.

To use our logos on your videos or posts is quite simple. Go to our website ets2rotasbrasil and at the end of the homepage you will find a screen as below. Download the file, extract and use our brands. (Cannot modify and/or change your original colors).
CLIMATE 4 STATIONS-SUMMER (Already embedded in the Map)
To use our Weather 4 Seasons is very simple. Go to our website ets2rotasbrasil and at the end of the homepage you will find a screen as below. Download the file, extract and use in your mod pasture only the station you want. DO NOT USE THE TOGETHER SEASONS in the mod folder. Choose one, and in the game mod manager, use in PRIORITY, above the map files. Be it the EA Map or the Routes Brazil Map. (Does not work on other maps).
Our traffic is now leaner, with new skins and models and with its volume changed. We believe that now it will be nice for everyone to enjoy. Anyone who wants to use other traffic mod has no problem. What we are doing and improving the look of the internal traffic of the map, so that everyone can enjoy a well-set map without the use of many external mod's, especially people who have a more humble computer.
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