Beta EA v.3 Disponível. Bora pras Novidades?

Beta EA v.3 Available. Let's see what's new?

For this Beta version of our Exploring America Map, we will start by presenting our new Logo. This new brand follows the evolution of our editions and we also continue with the same visual standard of our Brazil Routes map.

The vowels "A, E, I, O, U" are the agreement in a set of grammatical rules that determine the harmony between the different parts of a name. EXPLORING (is a situation) A (agreement vowel) AMERICA (Country, region). Words in agreement with a phrase that may or may not become a proper name are not abbreviated. EXPLORING AMERICA = EA, For example: RIO DE JANEIRO = RJ. United Nations = UN. In other words, EA is an ACRONYM and an acronym is a word that is formed by joining the initial letters of the words that make up a name. EA = Exploring America.

Using our logos in your videos or posts is very simple. Access our website and at the bottom of the home page you will find a screen like the one below. Download the file, extract it and use our brands. ( You cannot modify and/or change their original colors ).

4 SEASON CLIMATE - SUMMER (Already included in the Map)

To use our 4 Seasons Weather is very simple. Access our website and at the bottom of the home page you will find a screen like below. Download the file, extract it and use only the season you want in your mod folder. DO NOT USE THE STATIONS TOGETHER in the mod folder. Choose one, and in the game's mod manager, use it in PRIORITY, above the map files. Either the EA Map or the Rotas Brasil Map. ( It does not work on other maps ).


Our traffic is now leaner, with new skins and models and with its volume changed. We believe that now it will be cool for everyone to enjoy. Anyone who wants to use other traffic mods has no problem . What we are doing is improving the visual of the map's internal traffic, so that everyone can enjoy a well-designed map without the use of many external mods, especially people who have a more humble computer.


Since the EAA Map was developed from the beginning as a road map, without any connection to the scale of a stretch according to reality, applying a 1:1 scale mod, the information about hours/km's is very off, making gameplay tiring and with distorted information. As in the example above, we applied small configurations to the base of the map and arrived at these numbers very close to reality, however, within the game with this scale and time, you will have a cooler gameplay, with the sensation of driving a little more with time reading day/night and you will have a gameplay for approximately 40 minutes, simulating well with your truck and your bus. Test it and see if you like the result :)


We hope you enjoy this update to your Exploring America Map. We've been working hard to make your fun on this giant road map even more immersive. Keep an eye on our social media and the videos on our channel to stay informed about everything we're bringing to our Exploring America Map. Have fun :)

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